BIPAZENTM (desmopressin acetate injection) is indicated for:

  • prophylaxis of mild hemophilia A, and
  • mild von Willebrand’s disease Type I

Hemophilia A

BIPAZENTM is indicated for patients with hemophilia A with Factor VIII levels greater than 5%.

BIPAZENTM will stop bleeding in hemophilia A patients with episodes of spontaneous or trauma-induced injuries such as hemarthroses, intramuscular hematomas or mucosal bleeding. In certain clinical situations, it may be justified to try BIPAZENTM in patients with Factor VIII levels between 2-5%, however, these patients should be carefully monitored.

BIPAZENTM will often maintain hemostasis in patients with hemophilia A during surgical procedures and postoperatively.

Von Willebrand’s Disease (Type I)

BIPAZENTM is indicated for patients with mild to moderate classic von Willebrand’s Disease (Type I) with Factor VIII levels greater than 5%.

BIPAZENTM will usually stop bleeding in mild to moderate von Willebrand’s patients with episodes of spontaneous or trauma-induced injuries such as hemarthroses, intramuscular hematomas or mucosal bleeding.