BIPAZENTM (desmopressin injection) is a synthetic drug which is an almost exact copy of a natural hormone. Desmopressin is not made from blood and carries no risk of transmission of viral infection.
Although desmopressin was originally designed for diabetes insipidus treatment, its injection format has emerged as the hemostatic agent of choice due to its strong coagulation effect and good safety profile. It is a drug that helps your body make blood clots.
BIPAZENTM works by releasing von Willebrand factor and Factor VIII stored in the lining of blood vessels. The release is rapid as the storage sites are together (co-localized). Von Willebrand factor is an important blood clotting protein. It serves to transport factor VIII in the bloodstream to the site of damaged blood vessels.
BIPAZENTM can be taken in three different ways. Your doctor will decide which way is best for you.
- It can be injected into a vein referred as intravenous.
- It can be injected into the muscle referred as intramuscular.
- It can be injected under the skin referred as subcutaneous.
A second dose given before the blood lining store cells are replenished will not have as great effect as the initial dose.
BIPAZENTM has the most effect about 1 hour after injection. For most people, BIPAZENTM keeps working for 8-12 hours although clotting activity will slowly decrease over time.
Allow 24 hours between doses of desmopressin for the body to rebuild its supply of both von Willebrand and factor VIII stores.
Product Monograph
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